Looking forward to working with Leicestershire Healthy Schools and Healthy Tots providing mental health training for early years practitioners and foundation stage teachers.
Mental health problems can start in early years, even if we do not see any symptoms at that time. Promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in early years education is vital. By doing this we provide a secure environment for young children to play, build relationships and learn essential skills, both academically and emotionally. We assist them to have the ability to handle the dynamics of different relationships and the resilience to face pressures and stresses growing up.
By the end of this workshop you will:
- Learn about attachment and the importance of infants and young children having secure relationships and experiences
- Know the risk factors for children in early years and what to look out for
- Discuss the difficulties we currently have in our settings and gain helpful advice and guidance, sharing good practice with others
- Understand strategies to build resilience and teach self-regulation in young children
- Learn how we can support our children for school readiness
- Be able to apply early intervention strategies within your own settings
- Come away with plenty of resources and ideas to help shape your children’s futures
Bookings are being taken for county and city early years settings through PHBookings@leics.gov.uk